Royal Purple Maxfilm

Royal Purple Maxfilm Lubricant

Maxfilm is a two-in-one product that uses a blend of unique fully synthetic chemistry, including Royal Purple’s own Synerlec additive technology.

Combining a quickly penetrating and evaporating solvent with a durable, fully-synthetic, high-strength dry film, Maxfilm is great at lubricating and providing long lasting protection from corrosion and wear with as little as one application. 

The cleanly evaporating solvent leaves behind a dry film lubricant that protects better and lasts longer than leading competitors.

  • Lubricate power tools, hinges, chains, lock mechanisms, open gears, even fishing tackle and lawn equipment
  • Prevent binding and free up stuck or corroded parts such as nuts, bolts, hinges, cables, chains and gears
  • Preserve/protect parts from corrosion that result from long-term seasonal storage and exposure to the weather, including salt air.