Prolong Waterless Wash & Shine

Spray It On & Wipe It Off

Prolong’s Waterless Wash & Shine is an innovative way to wash your vehicle — in under 15 minutes and without the need for water. The product comes in a 17 oz bottle with a $7.99 list price.  Prolong WS-SP

Waterless Wash & Shine’s uses special lubricating agents to encapsulate dirt, sap, tar, bugs and sea salt residue and can be removed with ease by simply spraying the product on and wiping it away, leaving a just-waxed appearance.

Additoinally, Prolong’s Super Protectant beautifies and protects leather, rubber and vinyl surfaces from cracking in hot or cold weather conditions. Super Protectant, available in a 17 oz bottle for $8.99, is water resistant, so it won’t wash off, and it blocks out elements with a durable shine for a longer lasting protection. To use Super Protectant, spray it on the chosen surface and easily wipe it away with a terry cloth towel.

For more information:; (800) 540.5823