Trucks on parade in Panama City Beach

Quimby Mug Bayou Florida Headshot

With demolished businesses, homes and debris piles still very a much a reality here in Panama City, Fla. following Hurricane Michael, I was definitely looking forward to attending this year’s Christmas Parade in neighboring Panama City Beach where I was hoping to see some impressive trucks parading through Pier Park.

I was not disappointed. Plus, the rain held off which was even a bigger plus. Okay, that and I was pumped to see my daughter dance in the parade which might have been the real reason why we drove like crazy that morning from roughly 500 miles away in Cape Coral, Fla. following our Ranger test drive. After dropping the rental off, we had only about a half-hour to drive through crazy traffic on Back Beach Road (a.k.a. U.S. 98), but we made it.

And several trucks made it, too, including a Peterbilt decked out in lights. I was all smiles as I heard the horn before seeing the truck coming around the bend. It was the first time I’ve seen a big rig at the parade which is hosted by the Optimist Club. I sure hope we see more next year.

You’ll notice by the video title below that it says “Trucks and a Jeep on display…” As you know, we cover trucks and vans, but I couldn’t resist slipping in at least one Jeep which was actually in the company of a lot of other Jeeps that were lit up with Christmas lights and decorations and pulling in a bunch of smiles alongside the pickups.

Besides the Peterbilt, another big treat was seeing the circa-1940s Power Wagon. Special thanks to our video editor for salvaging my clips. Lighting wasn’t the best and my camera work wasn’t exactly Oscar worthy.