Tailgate theft caught on video

Quimby Mug Bayou Florida Headshot
Updated Apr 3, 2018

Pickup owner Ted Bryk thought he had taken some good steps following the last time his truck had been targeted for theft at his home in Allen Park, Michigan.

He had installed a surveillance camera and he had blocked the driveway each night with a car to keep his truck from being stolen again. Plus, since Bryk lives across the street from the Allen Park police station, he thought the odds for another theft were pretty slim.

This tailgate lock from Pilot Automotive sells for under $25 online.This tailgate lock from Pilot Automotive sells for under $25 online.

He was wrong. Bryk’s own video shows a thief slowly, but surely removing the tailgate of his Ford pickup in the early morning hours of March 22. Police released the video today hoping someone will come forward with information leading to an arrest.

“Two years ago I had a similar truck stolen right out of the driveway here, and they found that one in Detroit burned and stripped,” Bryk told fox2detroit.

Thinking that his truck may be targeted again Bryk has since hidden the vehicle out of view.

It’s unclear if Bryk had a tailgate lock. Models vary, but many cost under $30. Not bad considering that tailgate replacement can cost around $1,000.