HP Sticky Shield
HP Sticky Shield, from Heatshield Products, is a dense layer of 1/8” fiberglass insulation shielded by a rugged layer of .003” thick aluminum. This flexible material can be applied to just about any surface with its heavy-duty peel-and stick-adhesive backing.
It is the perfect radiant heat shield for transmission tunnels, mufflers, catalytic converters, DPF’s, turbos, downpipes, and exhaust system heat.
This HP Sticky Shield can be used with less than 1” of airspace, however when used with 1” or more airspace, it is capable of shielding over 90% of heat.
This product is designed to be used under the vehicle on the floor pan, firewall, transmission tunnel, etc. it is not designed to be used under the carpet.
Use Heatshield Armor Weld Tape to seal seams when putting two of these heat shields together and also protect the edges of HP Sticky Shield.
Contact: www.heatshieldproducts.com; (800) 750-3978