First came the Tesla Semi videos sans trailers. Now several videos have recently been posted showing the electric tractors towing trailers on city streets and the highway.
Most of these latest videos appear to have been shot in northern California where earlier clips were recorded. You’ll see familiar hallmarks, like an I-80 sign.
Granted, none of these citizen journalists have noted what the trailers are hauling, but it’s still interesting to watch nonetheless. It may be hard to hold back a chuckle or two as one Semi below is greeted with a ca- call as it pulls into a Tesla charging station.
One of the more interesting comments from YouTube viewers?
“Hopefully Tesla has dedicated trailers that integrates motors in the rear axles for regen braking / torque vectoring,” Tony Pham writes.
Seems like a trailer like that would make for a tempting option. Of course, a trailer affords opportunities for additional battery storage and—for some extra wow, though efficiency would elicit a yawn or two among discerning critics—an impressive array of Tesla solar panels on top.